Your Talents

We have all been given talents from God and He intends for us to use them during our time on this earth. They were given that we would feed them to this needy world and give Him glory with our lives. God’s mystery of multiplication kicks in and doubles whatever we do for His kingdom.

However – if we sit on what God has given us and do not use them to make this world a better place – we will have to account for that. We all want to hear Him say “well done my good and faithful servant.” So get busy taking care of God’s business and watch how He will be busy taking care of yours.

Amazing things happen when we are walking in our purpose, trusting Him for provision and guidance. Then at the end of our days – we will hear Him say how pleased He is with our lives.


Individual Greatness

May we seek to become the person God intends us to be, and not compare ourselves with others in the family of God or the world. We have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Created with greatness inside. Lord help us today to focus on becoming who You created us to be.

Considering the wonders of our God causes us to realized our great potential. We should not look at others – but look inside and discover our purpose. Whatever thing that makes you cry; or the thing that you would do even if you are not getting paid to do — is usually tied to your purpose.

God – you made me to be – now help me to use what you have given me to bless others today!
