True Benefit

While an intimate relationship with Jesus is costly, and we forfeit our personal wants and desires, the gain becomes immeasurable. When we submit to His ways, we unleash a powerful force that man cannot stop. The benefits of living a life surrendered to Him far out weighs the things we have to give up.

When you live in harmony with the ways of the Lord, you get heavenly provision, protection and favor. Hey – those are things that money cannot buy.

Some of the toughest challenges in our lives have to be met by the power much higher than human ability. Cash in on some heavenly favor and watch how things work out for the best.

#peacebestill #powertoreign #blessed #favored

Power of Reign – Kindness

Ever heard that saying, “kill them with kindness?” There is so much power in kind things we do for others, that we should try it more often. It actually feels good when we do some kind act for another human.

Let’s face it – kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and we all would like to call forth more blessings on our lives. I suggest we do so by bearing more fruit. We will always reap what we sow, so why now begin to reap the gift of kindness by planting some of those seeds. God will always honor us when we bring Him glory with our lives. John 15:8 “My Father is glorified by this: that you produce much fruit and prove to be my disciples.”

Today is a great day to practice the kindness kingdom principle. So let’s go out and show the love of Jesus, do something good with this day – step out and shake the hand of a stranger and give them a kind word. Then watch the heart of God smile.


Power To Reign – Righteousness

God wants us to be like Him and rule/reign over our lives – He has give us that authority. So why do so many of us suffer through various struggles and allow outside forces, inside pain and others to have control over us or hold us back? We are called to live a full and free life. Jesus came to set the captives free!

In the book of Romans chapter 5 you will find guidance that outlines how Jesus came to the earth to set us free from the law of Moses – and ushered in the grace of God. Verse 17 clearly states that we CAN receive the overflow of grace and the gift of righteousness – and we will reign in life. Now that’s good news!

The book of life does not read like a novel – it takes time, effort and seeking on our part to get clarity and understanding. God gave it to us so we can search for Him in the secret place and meet with Him for revelation. It is our guide; our compass; our bread of life; our light in this dark world; our words of comfort, and so much more. Please read it and gain what your Father wants you to have.


Best Friday

As Christian all over the world gather to celebrate Good Friday – we should realized that today is also “Best Friday.” Today is by far the best Friday of the year. It’s the day we celebrate what Jesus did on the cross.

He allowed them to crucify His body so he could shed that holy blood that would serve as an eternal sacrifice to cover our sins. If you or I were present on that Friday we would have been sad, and hurt as we watched them put those nails in His hands and feet. We would have cried when we saw Him take his last breath. We would have walked away devastated by what we had witnessed.

However – the plan was not over, because on that third morning – He was not found in the tomb. He was raised in all His glory by the power of resurrection. That same power is available to us on earth. It was His love that nailed Him to the cross and His love that saved our souls. Hallelujah!

Thank you Lord for saving my life!

Living in Peace

Practical counsel would advise us to live in peace with all those around us. We are instructed in Philippians 4 to stand in agreement in the Lord. While this would work easily in a perfect world, the truth is we all have some adversities we face with others.

Whether it is a family member, friend or foe – you and I are called to love others and live peaceful lives. Jesus clearly said “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons/daughters of God.” The truth is we all shall see Him face-to-face one day and want His seal of approval on our lives. Therefore it is best for us who understand this to humble ourselves, do what honors God, then let Him fight the battles.

God will give us whatever we need. So if we need courage to discern what is right before Him, ask for it. If we need His help to be kind and gentle with someone who has hurt us – ask Him for it. The faster we resolve to lay these things down at His feet – the sooner we become free and can live in peace with ourselves and others.


Kingdom Cash

The currency made here on earth cannot be exchanged with God. The richest person on this earth cannot buy joy, peace, salvation or the favor of God. Doesn’t matter what’s in your wallet or in the account at Wells Fargo, Chase or BofA – you won’t be able to buy your way into heaven. On the other hand we children of God possess a kingdom account that has no limitations and pays high dividends.

When we live right before God – he will release anything we need on this earth in accordance with His will. When we walk in the favor of our God we are wealthy in the spirit. God will ALWAYS take care of His children, therefore we can expect miracles, amazing grace, multiplication of things, overflow manifestations, power, a sound mind…….. we lack nothing.

Be encouraged my brothers and sisters, regardless to what you may be facing on this day – our Father in heaven never fails us. He always delivers! His timing is perfect. He is not a man – He does not lie. May He lead you to the green pastures, beside the quiet waters and restore you.


Go The Extra Mile

Our kingdom call is to give and give and give. We are told by Jesus that we are the salt of the earth. We are not expected to be perfect in this body – but we are called to be different from the world.

In Matthew 5 & 6 our Lord gave us some pretty clear instructions how to live a life that is pleasing to God and taught us how to give and how to pray. We must strive to be obedient each and every day and be prepared for the Master to use our lives.

Let’s just look at a few words spoken by Jesus: Do not commit adultery. Tell the truth. If anyone slaps your cheek – turn the other one. Love your enemies. When you give to the poor – do it silently. When you pray, go into your room and shut the door. Forgive each other and there is also a cure for anxiety in chapter 6.

Kingdom principles are quite different and each day you and I are called to shine our light and pray for others. Work so that God may approve our lives and reap a bountiful harvest in this life and in the life to come.


Hard Topics

We humans tend not to discuss hard topics. And I am called to share with people all the things God reveals about self with others. So please don’t be offended and always know that I am usually talking to me just as I share with you.

Here are some things we do not like to face about ourselves; fear, unforgiveness, pride, and denial – just to name a few. How do we become better if we are not willing to take an honest look in the mirror and face our own insufficiencies? It just won’t happen until we do.

In a quest to make this world a better place, we must take the courage to admit the wrong that resides within us. Why is it so much easier for us tell someone else what’s wrong with them? Spend your energy making self better – and watch what happens to the world around you. Stop looking at others and take the magnifying glass and turn it toward self. The results will bring a life that pleases God and not man.

Master the seeds of greatness that have been planted within you!


Your Talents

We have all been given talents from God and He intends for us to use them during our time on this earth. They were given that we would feed them to this needy world and give Him glory with our lives. God’s mystery of multiplication kicks in and doubles whatever we do for His kingdom.

However – if we sit on what God has given us and do not use them to make this world a better place – we will have to account for that. We all want to hear Him say “well done my good and faithful servant.” So get busy taking care of God’s business and watch how He will be busy taking care of yours.

Amazing things happen when we are walking in our purpose, trusting Him for provision and guidance. Then at the end of our days – we will hear Him say how pleased He is with our lives.


Abundant Life

What does an abundant life look like for you? Would it include fame and riches, and accolades from man? Or would you be fulfilled without those things and content being filled with the Spirit and living by humble means? Just a little food for thought.

I see so many people today chasing after things that bring them credit, notice and applaud – when we should be seeking to bring God glory. Jesus clearly said that He “came so that we would have life and have it more abundantly.” I believe that life He spoke of is the eternal life – and the abundance is for the nations.

When God blessed us, the glory is due to Him. Jesus took every bit of our sorrows and hurts and nailed them to the cross with His body. Once you experience Him at this level – your self-centered desires shift to have eternal value.

Pray for lost souls in this world – spend some time using your gifts to chase after God and do what would please Him with your life. Then watch how He completes that promise of abundant life. Even if He leads you into the desert – keep walking because He will make the water flow and you will not thirst.
